12th – 21st April
Pictures by Helenio Barbetta
Acquaforte Alessandro Pasti Anastasia Vaynberg Fabio Don From Outer Space Maximilian David Graber & Fabian Tobias Reiner Angeliki Papavasileiou and Gregory Tsantilas Guillaume Slizewicz Hszjn398 / Studio Pilz Kosmos Architects Livia Stacchini And Thomas Galvan Maxime Prananto Nopai X Caterina Moro Pia Matthes PioveneFabi + Simone Boudvin + Onsitestudio Post Office Roman Stock Raho Sanchez Morgillo Meteora ++ Studionuvolari Studio Tropicana Superluna Studio + Alessandro Faiella Studio_Vandensteen Vacuum Atelier x Taramelli Srl
In the process of making, in the process of thinking, while doing, when does ORDINARY become EXTRAORDINARY? Can EXTRAORDINARY belong to everyday life ORDINARY?
In the way of processing experience how creativity transforms ORDINARY into EXTRAORDINARY? How our own life luggage of knowledge can contribute to make that twist happen?
And how that twist can contribute to change the perception of our own life luggage? How our interpretation can shape observation and transform it into imagination?
And how interpretation can be subjective rather than objective? Is the EXTRAORDINARY subjective and the ORDINARY objective? Or viceversa? Or both?
How can we take ORDINARY things and make those into EXTRAORDINARY creatures? While processing the ordinary we know we will do something. We know we will change something. Adding on or taking away. Modifying a component or adapting a part of it.
What stands behind the idea of EXTRAORDINARY? And why ORDINARY isn’t always EXTRA?Do we live looking for EXTRAORDINARY or do we aim for ORDINARY? Are we happy with what we have? Are we looking for something else?
Do we sit on a chair or do we roll on a chair? Do we lie on a sofa or do we swing on an hammock? Do we cycle or do we accelerate? Do we cook or do we warm-up?
Is the EXTRAORDINARY meant to be exclusive? And is the ORDINARY inclusive? Still? The ORDINARY is surely about life. What about the EXTRAORDINARY?
Can we project EXTRAORDINARY for everyone? For everyday-life? DROPCITY.
The F / A ’24 edition will be the frame for Tunnel 40. An ORDINARY tunnel by day. An EXTRAORDINARY club by night, surrounded by the sound of Hundebiss.
Video by Paolo Boriani