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Milano Design Week 2019

7th - 18th September 2019

at MAS Museo d'Arte e Scienza

Laboratorio Bìu
Theo De Meyer + Stefanie Everaert
Giovanni Benedetti + Errante Architetture
Vg13 + Hus
Linea 33
Opere Varie
Otto De Vylder + Natan Ulens
Alba Abiad & Naveen Jose
Stephan Lando
Studio Vlora
Convoid & Gregorio Lioce
Francesca Mirone
Céline Bianchi & Atelier Aveque 

In occasion of Fuorisalone 2019 we selected 15 young and talented architects.

From all over the world.


We asked them to design a piece of furniture to be exhibit dealing with the theme of F / A FakeAuthentic.

We asked them to design a piece of furniture not only to be shown but also to be tested. Each visitors of our exhibition in fact were invited to sit on a nice chair, to switch on a lamp, to put a book on a shelf, to gently lie on a piece of soft marble. 

Our willing as architects is to bring back the role of our work, also in the nowadays fancy and commercial world of design.

We do it differently. It’s tangible, practical and scrupolous. Construction, details, necessities, uses and functionality, versatility, Authenticity, Fake.

Our first F / A FakeAuthentic collection claims back and affirm with loud voice the respect that youngsters (and not only) deserves.




Each piece presented is not only a nice (or ugly up to taste) piece. It is a period of life of each participant. It tells the story of thoughts, efforts, ideas, pencils, models, pencil again and then prototypes, phone calls, struggles, money, struggles, way out, your piece, travel, presentation and celebration.


Each piece shows a personality, collective or individual.

Each piece is a precise result of a process.

Each piece is made up of ideas, standing in a drawer for many years, waiting for a chance to be taken.


Through F / A FakeAuthentic we love the fact that we made something happen.

As architects, curators one can say, creators, we made something happen.


This is our F / A FakeAuthentic. Proudly.

Less Fake more Authentic.

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