Milano Design Week 2023
19th - 23rd April
at MAS Museo d’Arte e Scienza
14:30 Studio
Atelier Oh
Burak Moritz
Pia Matthes
Matyas Molnar
Federico Muratori
Andrian Sokolovski
Sanchez Morgillo
Guillaume Slizewicz
Giulia Strippoli
Pascale Theodoly
Vacuum Atelier
Vg13 Architects
Xander Wilhelm
Stefan Wülser
Do we need new chairs? Do we really need more lamps? Who cares about yet another coffee table? There is everything. There is too much. Maybe..
The current situation of global crisis, material shortages, the resulting impossible supply and high prices for raw materials and related semi-finished products opens up new scenarios, important, urgent considerations. New thought.
The perception of objects changes. And time along with it.
There are, however, objects that despite being considered ‘agé’ still have something to convey. Perhaps more than the new creations.
Can we imagine contemporary methods to keep alive or give new life to our icon while guaranteeing its continuity? And so, what is the essence of Design? Spirit of adaptation?
The contemporary agenda changes. Can we slow down for a moment?
Let’s try.
F / A FakeAuthentic pauses, reflects, assimilates and starts again.
From the dust of old projects.
From those ideas left in a drawer, those works abandoned to chase fashions and to keep up with the times.
What does it mean in 2023 to be up-to-date?
What is topical?
What does it mean to experiment?
Do we want to innovate?
Or reinnovate?
How do we respond to the necessity and the urge to slow down?
Creativity is the most effective weapon for experimenting without actually doing it.
To understand, to interpret,
to adopt and to adapt.